Ainsley West

Hi, I’m Ainsley West, a young mum of four beautiful girls, three on earth and one in heaven. Along with my husband, Dave and our two dogs Maple and Lottie we are lucky to call the Sunshine Coast home.

In April of 2017, we were expecting our first child, when the unimaginable happened. Over the years I’ve always journaled and documented my feelings and thoughts and over the past 12 months have started to piece them all together.

When Murphy passed away, I felt like there was a ‘void’, you could say, and the topic of stillbirth was very taboo.

I have always felt it in my heart to create something physically available for people to touch and feel, to be able to read in their time of grief, as I truly believe it isn’t spoken about enough.

My hope is that this book will bring some awareness to the tragic side of parenthood and hopefully bring some comfort and light to other families in those dark times.

“Three of the greatest gifts that can be given and received:

- to be known
- to be seen
- to be loved”